Delegates to the 25th Session of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC25/GMEF), which met from 16-20 February 2009, in Nairobi, Kenya, took 17 decisions, including one on chemicals management (UNEP/GC/25/CW/l.4/Rev.1) that addresses mercury, lead and cadmium and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).

Regarding mercury, the decision established an intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) to develop a legally-binding instrument on mercury, and states that the INC is to develop a comprehensive and suitable approach to mercury, including provisions to reduce atmospheric emissions and specify arrangements for capacity building. It further states that the INC should consider the following: approaches tailored to specific sectors; achieving cooperation and coordination to avoid unnecessary duplication of proposed actions with provisions in other agreements; and possible co-benefits. The decision represents the first coordinated global effort to tackle mercury, and the proposed legally-biding instrument could include both binding and voluntary approaches, together with interim activities, to reduce risks to human health and the environment. An open-ended working group meeting will be convened in the second half of 2009, to prepare for the work of the INC, which will hold its first meeting in 2010 and will seek to completie its work by GC27 in 2013. The decision also recognizes that the mandate of the INC may be supplemented by further decisions of the GC.
Regarding lead and cadmium, the decision requests the Executive Director to finalize the scientific review and to report to GC26 to inform discussions on the need for global action related to lead and cadmium.
On SAICM, the decision notes that the International Conference on Chemicals Management will discuss ways to further progress in implementation of SAICM as well as approaches for mid- to long-term financing.
Links to further information
Decision UNEP/GC.25/CW/L.4/Rev.1
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