The 5th World Water Forum, the largest international event on freshwater, convened in Istanbul, Turkey, from 16-22 March 2009.

The 5th Forum’s main theme, “Bridging Divides for Water,” was addressed through six framework themes: global change and risk management; advancing human development and the Millennium Development Goals; managing and protecting water resources; governance and management; finance; and education, knowledge and capacity development.
The Forum theme was explored through more than 100 thematic sessions, seven regional sessions, and a series of political processes involving local authorities, parliamentarians, ministers and Heads of State. A Water Expo, Water Fair, Children’s Forum, Youth Forum and meetings of various stakeholder groups, including women, were also held. Over 25,000 participants attended, representing governments, UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, academia, business and industry, indigenous groups, youth and the media. An additional 8,000 participants attended the Forum’s Water Expo. The Forum’s main outputs include a Ministerial Declaration and the Istanbul Water Consensus, agreed to by local authorities.
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