© UN28 April 2009: The report of the 15th meeting of the Joint Implementation (JI) Supervisory Committee (JISC) is now available on the JI website. The meeting convened from 21-22 April 2009, at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany, and considered issues related to the functioning of JI.

At the meeting, the JISC considered matters relating to determination and verification reports, the JI management plan and resources for the work on JI. The Committee also discussed the accreditation of independent entities and, having considered the recommendation of the JI Accreditation Panel, agreed to accredit the independent entity SGS United Kingdom Ltd. for the determination and verification functions in specific sectoral scopes. On the development of a determination and verification manual (DVM), the JISC considered the scoping document prepared by the UNFCCC Secretariat in consultation with five JISC members/alternate members, and agreed on the nature and structure of a DVM, which is contained in annex 4 of the document. The Committee also agreed on the modalities for developing the manual.
Concerning the preparations for the JI Technical Workshop, to be held in conjunction with JISC 17, the Secretariat informed the JISC of an offer received from the government of Ukraine to host JISC 17 and the Technical Workshop. The JISC requested the Secretariat to indicate the JISC’s acceptance of the offer, subject to clearance of all necessary administrative issues. The JISC also requested the Secretariat to organize a roundtable discussion in conjunction with JISC 16, to be held from 17-18 June 2009, and agreed that the roundtable discussion should focus on the development of a DVM and JI Programme of Activities with interested stakeholders. Other issues discussed at the meeting include: the development of definitions, forms, guidelines and procedures for projects under the JI programmes of activities; and the handling of requests for information and communication between the JISC and the Secretariat. [Report announcement] [JISC 15 report] [JISC 15 report and annexes] [JISC 15 webcast]