© UNFCCC6 May 2009: The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Afforestation and Reforestation (A/R) Working Group has released the report of its 24th meeting, held from 29 April-1 May 2009 in Bonn, Germany. During the meeting, the Working Group considered, inter alia, requests for clarification of the application of approved baseline and monitoring methodologies, and draft new small-scale methodologies for A/R CDM project activities.

The Working Group also considered draft revisions to approved A/R baseline and monitoring methodologies prepared by the UNFCCC Secretariat, as requested by the Executive Board at its 44th meeting. The Group agreed to recommend that the Executive Board approve the draft revisions to the approved methodologies AR-AM0007 “A/R of land currently under agricultural or pastoral use,” AR-AM0009 “Afforestation or reforestation on degraded land allowing for silvopastoral activities,” and AR-AMS0004 “Simplified baseline and monitoring methodology for small-scale agroforestry – A/R project activities under the CDM.” The Working Group also considered the practical application of Decision 2/CMP.4, on “further guidance relating to the CDM.” In particular, the Group discussed ways to improve the process of considering methodological issues and identified specific issues for consideration by the Executive Board. [Meeting report]