The first Global Private Donor Forum on Biodiversity was held at the initiative of the German Presidency of the ninth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 3 June 2009, in Berlin, Germany.

The forum stressed that biodiversity constitutes the indispensable foundation of our lives, is crucial for global economic and social development, and is fundamentally important for human livelihoods, poverty eradication and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Participants noted that human-induced extinction of biodiversity is still advancing at a dramatic pace and agreed it was urgent to scale up efforts to reach the 2010 target to significantly reduce biodiversity loss. Participants also generally agreed that one area where increased effort is necessary is the provision of additional financial resources for the effective and efficient implementation of the decisions of the CBD.
Link to further information
Berlin Declaration on Private Donorship for Biodiversity