© UNFCCC15 July 2009: The project design document (PDD) for the Joint Implementation (JI) project “Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Project at GP Nitric Acid Plant in AB Achema Fertiliser Factory” has been deemed final, pursuant to decision 9/CMP.1 (JI guidelines), which provides that a PDD determination shall be deemed final 45 days after the date on which it is made public, unless a request for its review is submitted. The period for requesting a review of the determination regarding this PDD has ended, and the determination is therefore deemed final.

In addition, the PDD for the “Slag usage and switch from wet to dry process at Yugcement, Ukraine” JI project has been submitted by an accredited independent entity and is now open for comment until 14 August 2009. This is pursuant to decision 9/CMP.1 (JI guidelines), which requires that under the JI Track 2 procedure, PDDs are to be made publicly available by the UNFCCC Secretariat for comments from parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited observers during 30 days from the date the PDD is made publicly available. [UNFCCC news release] [The final determination] [JI PDD publication]