© UNFCCC18 July 2009: The report of the 48th meeting of the Executive Board (EB) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which was held from 14-17 July 2009, in St. Georges, Grenada, is now available. Participants considered, inter alia: matters relating to the registration of CDM projects; accreditation of operational entities; and methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans.

With regard to the registration of CDM projects, the EB: considered requests for review of 55 project registration requests; agreed to register, with corrections, 22 project activities; and agreed to undertake a review of 33 of the projects. It also agreed on the nomination of the members of the review teams for these reviews. Regarding baseline and monitoring methodologies, the Board agreed to approve two of the proposed methodologies, not to approve four of them, and to revise five approved methodologies. The Board also approved a new small-scale methodology and revised ten approved small-scale methodologies.
The Board also considered: matters relating to the CDM programme of activities; regional distribution of CDM projects; the CDM management plan; resources for work on the CDM; and matters relating to the issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) and the CDM registry. The Board agreed to the revised calendar of meetings for 2009, as well as the provisional agenda for its 49th meeting, to be held from 8-11 September 2009. [EB 48 report and annexes] [Webcast of the meeting]