© UNFCCC10 September 2009: The sixth meeting of the plenary of the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol will convene in Bangkok, Thailand, from 12-15 October 2009.

This meeting will be preceded by the seventh meeting of the enforcement branch, which will take place from 11-12 October 2009, and the seventh meeting of the facilitative branch, which will take place on 12 October 2009.
The UNFCCC has published an informal information note regarding the compliance procedure with respect to Croatia. The report submitted by Croatia in August 2008 is intended to document that parties with emissions commitments can effectively account for their emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. The expert review team finalized its initial review in August 2009. The initial review report contains two questions that trigger the compliance mechanism of the Protocol. The questions of implementation relate to Croatia’s assigned amount and its commitment period reserve. At issue is whether a decision taken under the Convention would allow Croatia to issue more credits under the Protocol (which would also increase the commitment period reserve). The enforcement branch will make a preliminary finding or adopt a decision not to proceed further.
[Informal note]