© UN22 September 2009: Organized by the UN Global Compact in collaboration with several UN organizations, the UN Leadership Forum brought chief executives together with Government leaders during a lunch event to hear how business would be part of the solution on climate change.

Coinciding with the Summit on Climate Change, the UN Leadership Forum was attended by Heads of State and government, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as business, investment and civil society participants. The Forum featured two rounds of interactive discussions on various dimensions of the climate crisis. Business and civil society participants issued a declaration to governments, emphasizing that climate change is the major test of leadership in the 21st century, and that the future of a competitive global marketplace depends on strong global agreement.
The Global Compact is a UN initiative that encourages businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. [UN press release] [Press Conference] [The declaration]