The International Conference on Green Industry in Asia, titled “Managing the transition to resource efficient and low carbon industries,” concluded with the adoption of a non-binding Declaration and Framework of Action outlining steps to reduce the resource intensity and greenhouse gas emissions of industries in Asia, and to track the progress towards a low-carbon industrial future. The event was co-organized by the Government of the Philippines, the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP). It convened from 9-11 September 2009, in Manila, the Philippines. Issues discussed included cleaner production, eco-friendly products, energy and environmental services, decent jobs for green growth, and financing green industries in Asia.
Participants adopted a non-binding Ministerial Declaration and Plan of Action, both aimed at promoting cleaner production and green production in Asia. In the Plan of Action, Ministers and heads of delegations agreed, inter alia, to establish: a consultative mechanism among governments, business, industry, academic and research institutes and civil society; a network of green industries; a portal for best practices, tools and methodologies; a network of universities and research centers for technological innovation towards the green industry; a communications strategy to enhance awareness and knowledge towards the attainment of green industry performance tools; and an expert group in the Asia-Pacific region to help promote the sharing of knowledge, expertise and know-how on green industry.
Links to further information
UNIDO News release
Conference website
IISD RS coverage