© GEF15 October 2009: The third meeting of participants for the fifth Global Environment Facility (GEF-5) Replenishment convened at the World Bank office in Paris, France, from 14-15 October 2009.

The Summary of the Co-Chairs indicates that participants welcomed the Fourth Overall Performance Study (OPS4) and supported a strong GEF replenishment. In response to requests for ambitious but realistic scenarios, the GEF Secretariat will develop scenarios reflecting increases of 50, 75 and 100% over GEF-4. Participants expressed openness to an asymmetric approach to increasing allocations for focal areas and themes, provided the level for each focal area is at least maintained relative to GEF-4 levels. In this context, participants expressed the need to increase the focus on and increase allocations for climate change, but others noted the need for increased allocations to POPs and ODS, and the desirability of GEF involvement in a broader chemicals program, including mercury. Some participants also supported a stronger focus on biodiversity, sustainable forest management, land degradation and international waters. Participants supported maintaining the small grants program at a level comparable to the one pledged for GEF-4. Several participants also highlighted the importance of enhancing private sector engagement, with some noting that a broader private sector window than the Earth Fund may be desirable. A revised programming document will be prepared by the Secretariat by the end of October. [Summary of the Co-Chairs]