© Swedish Presidency of the EU21 October 2009: The environment ministers of the European Union (EU) agreed on their negotiating position for Copenhagen during a Council meeting held in Luxembourg on 21 October 2009. European finance ministers, who met during a Council meeting held in Luxembourg on 20 October 2009, were not able to agree on climate financing.

Environment ministers agreed to long-term targets for the EU of 80-95% emissions reductions by 2050 compared with 1990 levels, and to limitations on emissions from international aviation and shipping by 10 and 20% respectively by 2020 compared with 2005 levels, within the framework of international agreements. The ministers expect other industrialised countries to reduce emissions by 25-40% by 2020, and developing countries by 15-30%. They further agreed on the need for mandatory accounting rules for changes in emissions due to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). On tackling a potential surplus of assigned amount units from the Kyoto Protocol’s 2008-2012 commitment period, the Council decided to recognize their implication on environmental integrity and stressed that further discussions will be needed on possible options to address it.
European finance ministers were not able to agree on climate financing due to divergences on internal burden-sharing. The issue will be taken up by the European Council (heads of State and Government of the EU member States), to be held in Brussels from 29-30 October 2009. [European Commission press release] [EU Presidency press release (EU environment ministers)] [EU Presidency press release (EU finance ministers)] [Council conclusions on climate change]