2dic_09_0630 November 2009: The staff of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) took part in a training workshop on climate change, delivered by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the UNFCCC Secretariat, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) from 17-20 November 2009.
The aim of the workshop was to train UNECA staff on the impact of climate change and the on-going negotiations, as part of UNECA’s efforts to mainstream climate change into its entire work programme. Topics addressed included: the science of climate change; legal aspects of negotiations under the UNFCCC; strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts; and overall development implications for Africa.

During the opening of the workshop, Isatou Gaye, UNECA’s Chief of Environment and Sustainable Development, underlined the importance of such training as well as of raising awareness of climate change issues of all staff because of the dangers it poses for Africa’s development. He added that the UNECA, which “is at the forefront of promoting the economic and social development of African countries, should be adequately prepared to support member States in addressing the climate change phenomenon.” [UNITAR Press Release]