Unece11 December 2009: The “Weekly” bulletin of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for 14-18 December 2009 reports on the UNECE fourth Regional Implementation Meeting on Sustainable Development, held on 1-2 December 2009, in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting addressed sustainable transport, production and consumption, among other issues.
Taking into account the contribution of unsustainable transport, production and consumption to climate change, the meeting agreed on the need to: avoid transport where possible; shift to cleaner transport modes; and provide a balanced mix of instruments and incentives for sustainable production and consumption. Key sectors for sustainable consumption and production were identified, namely housing and construction, waste management, cities and tourism. The meeting’s key messages and policy recommendations will be submitted to the 18th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 18), scheduled to take place from 3-14 May 2010, in New York, US.[UNECE “Weekly”][Meeting Website]