A policy seminar on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR), held from 15-18 December 2009, in Bari, Italy, addressed global challenges and future direction for the ITPGR.

Participants assessed the Treaty’s role in addressing the global challenges of agricultural biodiversity, food security and climate change. Among others, they identified a strong need for advocacy on the Treaty’s role as a central instrument for climate change adaptation policy, and on the crucial role of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture as the basis for global food security in the climate change context. Implementation of the benefit-sharing fund of the Treaty’s Funding Strategy received a boost, as Spain announced a contribution of two million Euros. The outcomes of the seminar will be forwarded to a high-level round table on the Treaty, to be organized by the Italian government in 2010.
Link to further information
The seminar webpage