17 January 2010: The Third Preparatory Commission of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) brought together 500 delegates in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to discuss IRENA’s programme of work and budget for 2010.
First formed with 75 member States in January of 2009, IRENA’s current 142 member States have mandated it to establish itself as the world’s premiere renewable energy knowledge clearing house. Its budget of US $13.7 million for the year 2010 will be used to form a network of experts, begin mapping global renewable potential, and create a policy database for promoting renewable energy. The Agency plans to begin its recruitment phase immediately, aiming to be the first international organization to achieve gender parity among its employees. During the conference, Kyrgyzstan, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and South Africa signed IRENA’s Statute. During his speech, the representative from the United Arab Emirates also announced that Saudi Arabia is planning to become a member of IRENA. [IRENA Press Release]