10 February 2010: Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) adopted a resolution on 10 February 2010, calling on the EU to create a “new climate diplomacy,” whereby the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Commissioner on Climate Action should work together with the more progressive developing and emerging countries.
In the resolution, MEPs also recommend that: climate policies be included in every strategic partnership and in bilateral and multilateral co-operation agreements between the EU and third States, to establish a more coherent external climate protection strategy; the forthcoming EU budget review provide sufficient resources for climate change mitigation and adaptation, both within the EU and in developing countries; and consideration be given to introducing new and innovative financial mechanisms to support international climate action.
The MEPs, in addition, express disappointment at the EU Member States’ lack of unity at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and urge the EU to speak with one voice in future international climate negotiations. They call on the EU to: unilaterally set a carbon dioxide reduction target higher than 20% for 2020, despite the disapppointing Copenhagen outcome; ensure that a future international climate change agreement set appropriate reduction targets for the aviation and maritime sectors; and advocate for an “equity clause” in future international climate regime. [EU Press Release]