16 February 2010: The Joint Afro-Arab Ministerial Meeting on Agricultural Development and Food Security, held on 14-16 February 2010, in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, agreed on an action plan to guide their collaboration in agriculture and food security, including climate change-related elements.
The action plan contains a section on transboundary and environmental challenges that calls on Afro-Arab Governments to mitigate deforestation, desertification, inefficient water resource usage, and biodiversity loss. Proposed mitigation and adaptation options for Afro-Arab Governments include: encouraging member countries to implement international and regional environmental conventions and initiatives; developing a common position in international conventions; establishing joint mechanisms/networks to coordinate and monitor climate change and other environmental issues; and strengthening capacities of existing institutions dealing with environmental protection and climate change issues. [African Union Press Release] [Draft Joint Action Plan]