16 February 2010: Anada Tiéga, Ramsar Secretary General, and Hartwig Schafer, Acting Vice President, Sustainable Development Network, World Bank, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that aims to “establish a framework of cooperation between Ramsar and the World Bank in exchange of technical expertise and capacity building related to the development and implementation of climate change projects in wetlands in the context of the World Bank-financed climate change portfolio.”

According to the agreement, the Ramsar Secretariat will: provide technical support for the assessment, formulation, and development of climate change projects in wetlands in the geographical areas of wetland projects in the World Bank portfolio; assist in the development of tools and methodologies to assess the magnitude of carbon sinks in mangroves; support the development of the wetlands typology and protocol for assessing net carbon storage or carbon dioxide emissions under different conditions; and prepare jointly publications on the findings of the cooperation. [The MoU]