26 February 2010: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) High-Level Taskforce for Climate Services, which was mandated by the third World Climate Conference to elaborate a Global Framework for Climate Services, held its first meeting from 25-26 February 2010, at WMO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

In September 2009, World Climate Conference-3 established the Framework in order to “strengthen production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction and services.” The newly set up Taskforce of independent advisers will follow up with recommendations for proposed elements of the Framework. Its report will be published before the next quadrennial World Meteorological Congress in May 2011. The first meeting of the High-Level Taskforce for Climate Services selected Jan Egeland (Norway) and Mahmoud Abu-Zeid (Egypt) as its co-chairs. [WMO Press Release] [High-Level Taskforce for Climate Services]