1 March 2010: Over 150 participants representing 88 countries and three international organizations met at the 15th session of the Commission for Climatology of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Antalya, Turkey, from 19-24 February 2010, and agreed on a future strategy to provide improved climate information and services.

During the meeting, the Commission for Climatology endorsed ongoing and proposed international collaborative efforts to analyze climate data in a comprehensive and accurate manner under the aegis of the WMO. The Commission also decided to strengthen worldwide climate monitoring, including implementing climate watch systems in its member countries.
The Commission agreed to support development and implementation of appropriate institutional mechanisms to generate, exchange and disseminate high-quality climate information at global, regional and national levels on an operational basis. Recognizing that climate knowledge, as well as access and use of climate information and products are critical to climate adaptation and risk management, the Commission agreed to develop sector-specific climate indices, methods, tools and guidance to support climate applications in the key socioeconomic sectors. Experts also agreed to develop a comprehensive strategy for capacity building for climate services through education, training, strengthening infrastructure, and enhanced outreach and communication in climate science and services to users and public.
The meeting of the Commission for Climatology was preceded by the WMO Technical Conference on Changing Climate and Demands for Climate Services for Sustainable Development, which took place at the same venue from 16-18 February. During the Conference, the WMO Commission for Climatology held a joint event with the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) on how the two bodies can collaborate to comprehensively address the rapidly emerging societal needs for climate services for adaptation and risk management. Participants developed a joint statement adopting a plan to support the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services. [WMO Press Release] [Climate Change Policy & Practice Story on Joint Meeting of WMO and WCRP] [WMO Commission for Climatology]