3 March 2010: The Ramsar Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) met in Gland, Switzerland, from 22-26 February 2010, for its ‘mid-term workshops’ to further progress its 2009-2012 Work Plan.
The event brought together approximately 50 STRP members, invited experts and representatives of observer organizations to review and undertake substantive work on the range of high priority and other tasks requested of it by parties at the 10th session of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP 10).
During the workshop, a taskforce established under the STRP continued work on the preparation of a synthesis of the quantitative extent of carbon storage and sequestration in a wide range of different types of inland and coastal wetlands. This effort is being carried out in follow-up to the November 2009 Danone Fund for Nature (DFN) Expert Workshop on “Achieving Carbon offsets through mangroves and other wetlands.” The taskforce’s synthesis is also addressing common misconceptions about wetlands and carbon storage, and its outcomes will be made available to Ramsar COP 11, to be held in 2012. [Ramsar Press Release] [IISD RS Sources] [Danone Workshop]