24 March 2010: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has announced the completion of the nomination process for the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Over 3000 experts were nominated by IPCC national focal points and observer organizations. The Report, scheduled to be finalized in 2013-2014, will be the next comprehensive assessment of scientific information on climate change by the IPCC.

According to IPCC procedures, the author selection is carried out by the Working Group Bureaux. These Bureaux are comprised of leading scientists representing all regions of the world and elected by the IPCC member governments. The Bureaux follow the IPCC Principles and Procedures for selection based on several criteria that cover expertise, range of views and geographical representation. The Bureaux will also consider the need for experts from both developed and developing countries, gender balance, and experts new to the IPCC process. Approximately 600 to 700 scientists will be selected as Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors. Many additional experts will be invited to participate as Contributing Authors as the work on the AR5 progresses. The author teams will conduct the scientific-technical assessment using procedures that emphasize comprehensiveness, scientific independence, openness, thorough review and transparency.
The author selection process will be completed at the upcoming meeting of the IPCC Bureau in May 2010. The final list of Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors will then be provided to the IPCC member governments and made publicly available. [IPCC Media Information Note] [IPCC Procedures for the Preparation of Reports]