26 March 2010: The Report of the 53rd Meeting of the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which took place from 22-26 March 2010, in Bonn, Germany, is now available on the CDM website.
At the meeting, the Board considered matters relating to: the accreditation of operation entities; methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans; the CDM programme of activities; afforestation and reforestation project activities; small-scale project activities; the registration of project activities; the issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) and the CDM registry; and the CDM management plan and resources for the work on the CDM.
With regard to the COP/MOP’s request to the Board to provide loans to support CDM project development in countries with fewer than ten registered projects, using the interest accrued on the principal of the Trust Fund for the CDM, the Board requested the Secretariat to assess the current liquidity of the CDM Trust Fund and explore ways to maximize the interest generated by the reserve (currently estimated at US$45 million) with a view to provide feedback at a future meeting of the Board.
Regarding the accreditation of operational entities, the Board agreed to re-accredit, for the validation and verification/certification functions in specific sectoral scopes, the following three entities: Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS; Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd; and TÜV NORD CERT GmbH. The Board also agreed to extend the accreditation scope of the accredited entity Japan Consulting Institute and decided to recommend to the COP/MOP to suspend the accreditation and designation of the designated operational entity TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH with immediate effect. Finally, the Board also decided to reject the application for re-accreditation of Korea Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO). Noting that KEMCO’s accreditation is valid until March 2012, it was further decided to recommend to the COP/MOP to partially suspend its accreditation and designation in specific sectoral scopes with immediate effect.
The Board also considered issues relating to methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans. It decided to approve two proposed methodologies, on “Installation of energy free water purifier for safe drinking water application” and “Construction of a new natural gas power plant supplying electricity to the grid or a single consumer,” and agreed to revise four approved methodologies. The Board did not approve two of the proposed methodologies. Regarding the CDM programme of activities, the Board considered a request for review of the programme of activities “Uganda Municipal Waste Compost Programme” and agreed to register it with corrections if requested additional information is provided. [Meeting Report]