26 April 2010: The First Ministerial Conference on the Environment and Renewable Energy within the framework of the 5+5 Mediterranean Dialogue convened on 26 April 2010, in Oran, Algeria, with representatives from Northern Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy and Portugal) and five Southern Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia).
The Conference produced the “Oran Declaration,” which underscores the need for more significant integration of environmental issues into the development strategies adopted by the countries in the region, as well as in their international cooperation policies.
The Declaration highlights the need to make adaptation to climate change one of the priorities in the development initiatives for the region, establishing cooperation programmes to increase the capabilities of the most vulnerable countries and underlining the importance of mitigation measures. It also calls for cooperation in renewable energy and energy efficiency, indicating that the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) must constitute a supplementary framework for strengthening agreement between countries in this area.
The Declaration also addresses the protection of the marine environment, water, waste, desertification and sustainable urban development. [Spanish Government Press Release]