14 May 2010: Delegates at the 18th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 18) focused on the thematic cluster of transport, chemicals, waste management, mining, and sustainable consumption and production patterns, and conducted a one-day preparatory committee meeting for the five-year high-level review of the Mauritius Strategy for the Implementation (MSI+5) of the Barbados Plan of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
CSD 18 convened from 3-14 May 2010, at UN Headquarters in New York, US, and also included a High-Level Segment, a Partnerships Fair, Learning Center and many side events. The CSD meets annually in two-year “Implementation Cycles,” with each cycle focusing on one thematic cluster alongside cross-sectoral issues. CSD 18 conducted a review of barriers and constraints in implementation, as well as lessons learned and best practices, in relation to the thematic cluster. Delegates at CSD 19, which will convene in May 2011, as the “Policy Year” for this thematic cluster, will negotiate policy recommendations based on CSD 18’s review of the issues.
Among the suggestions for action related to transport were calls for: a modal shift and greater development and use of public transport; integration of transport into urban development policies; development of cleaner, affordable and sustainable energy systems, including renewables; strengthening infrastructure; and improvement of safety and security.
On 14 May, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told delegates that sustainable development is among his highest priorities and stressed: the need to focus on practical decisions that can be translated into action and scaled-up; all important decisions should be concrete, with time-bound goals; more links should be built with other international bodies and key fora and processes; and there should be continual assessment of performance and progress. Ban announced he has decided to designate Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Sha Zukang as Secretary-General of the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20). He concluded stating “The time for delay is over. The time for delivery is now.” [IISD RS Coverage] [CSD 18 Website]