18 May 2010: The VI EU-Latin America and Carribean (LAC) Summit of Heads of State and Government took place on 18 May 2010, in Madrid, Spain, and concluded with the adoption of a Madrid Declaration and Action Plan for 2010-2012.

In the Madrid Declaration, the Heads of State and government, inter alia: acknowledge that gender issues need to be integrated into every aspect of the international agenda, including climate change; acknowledge their common interest in improving energy efficiency and in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity to address the challenges posed by climate change; commit to strengthen trust and intensify cooperation between their regions on climate change issues in accordance with the UNFCCC; express their support to Mexico in obtaining, through a transparent and inclusive negotiation process, a comprehensive, ambitious and effective legally-binding outcome aimed at reducing and limiting GHG emissions, taking into account the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities; and take note of events organized to stimulate the debate on climate change, such as the Cochabamba Conference on Climate Change and the Dialogue for Progressive Action that took place in Cartagena.
The Madrid Action Plan 2010-2012 aims to design bi-regional cooperation programmes and initiatives, and identifies priority areas for future work, including: science, research, innovation and technology; and sustainable development, environment, climate change, biodiversity and energy. On climate change, the main objectives of the Action Plan are to: ensure the effective implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol; develop policies and instruments for adaptation and mitigation; support activities oriented to reduce intensity of GHG emissions in consumption and production, according to existing international commitments; facilitate access to and exchange of information related to best environmental practices and technologies; improve energy efficiency and saving as well as accessibility; and develop and deploy renewable energies. [Summit Website] [Madrid Declaration] [Madrid Action Plan]