28 May 2010: During its Ministerial Council Meeting, which took place in Paris, France, from 27-28 May 2010, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the “Interim Report of the Green Growth Strategy – Implementing our Commitment for a Sustainable Future.”
The report aims to develop a framework to ensure that future growth strategies are: conducive to greater economic integration; improve technology cooperation; and reduce pressure on environmental resources. The Interim Report notes that green growth will require a number of policy tools such as: market-based approaches; regulations and standards; measures to create incentives for research and development; and information-based instruments to better inform consumer choice. It also notes that innovation will be a key driver of green growth and green job creation, and that insights from the “OECD Innovation Strategy: Getting a Head Start on Tomorrow,” will be instrumental in making green growth a reality around the globe.
The Interim Report of the Green Growth Strategy is a draft version of the Green Growth Strategy Synthesis Report, which will be delivered to the 2011 Ministerial Council Meeting. [The Report] [OECD Ministerial Council Meeting Website] ][Ministerial Conclusions]