11 June 2010: The first session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to Prepare a Global Legally Binding Instrument on Mercury (INC 1) convened from 7-11 June, in Stockholm, Sweden. Delegates to the meeting exchanged views on key issues to be addressed in the instrument including: objectives; structure of the instrument; capacity-building and technical and financial assistance; compliance; issues of supply, demand, trade, waste and storage; atmospheric emissions of mercury; and awareness-raising and information exchange. Delegates mandated the Secretariat to prepare, for consideration by the INC, “elements of a comprehensive and suitable approach to a legally binding instrument on mercury.” This document is expected to be used as the basis for negotiations by the INC 2, scheduled to convene from 24-28 January 2011, in Chiba, Japan. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of mercury negotiations] [UNEP Chemicals website]