2 July 2010: The reports from the meetings of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Methodologies Panel, Afforestation/Reforestation Working Group and Small-Scale Working Group are now available on the CDM website.

The Methodologies Panel held its 44th meeting from 21-25 June 2010, in Bonn, Germany, to consider matters relating to guidelines for methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans. During the meeting, the Panel considered: proposed new methodologies; requests for clarification on and revision to approved methodologies; and issues of general guidance and tools.

The Panel also considered some requests made to it by the CDM Executive Board. Regarding the overall revision of the “consolidated methodology for electricity generation from biomass residues in power and heat plants,” the Panel will continue its work on the revision, particularly to develop a new consolidated methodology for biomass residue based heat and power projects, and decided that the work would benefit from some public input. Regarding a proposed revision to the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system,” the Panel agreed to further consider the Board’s request and work on alternatives to be considered during the revision to the referred tool. It will continue the consideration of the case at its next meeting.

In response to the request by the Board concerning the requirement of continuous monitoring of the moisture content of biomass residues in the context of the approved methodologies AM0036 and ACM0006, the Panel recommended editorial revisions to approved methodologies AM0042, AM0057, ACM0006 and ACM0018, in order for them to reflect that the moisture content of biomass residues should be monitored for each batch of biomass of homogeneous quality, and that the weighted average should be calculated for each monitoring period and used in the calculations. Finally, with regard to the revision of the “Combined tool to demonstrate additionality and identify the baseline scenario,” the Panel considered the issues raised by the Board with regard to the revision of the Combined Tool and will continue the consideration of the tool at its next meeting.

The CDM Afforestation and Reforestation Working Group (A/R WG) held its 28th meeting from 16-18 June 2010, in Bonn, Germany, to consider issues relating to baseline and monitoring methodologies for CDM afforestation and reforestation project activities, including requests for clarifications and revisions of approved baseline and monitoring methodologies.

During the meeting, the A/R WG considered proposed new A/R methodologies and methodological tools. It was not able to conclude its consideration of the new methodology “Afforestation/reforestation activities on degraded agricultural land subject to abandonment process” due to a request from the project participants to include a module allowing estimation of emissions from possible decrease in soil organic carbon. The WG will work on the request at its next meeting. The A/R WG also considered a draft A/R methodological tool, “Tool for estimation of changes in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of A/R CDM project activities,” which allows estimation of changes in soil organic carbon stocks on the basis of transition between two land uses, and agreed to recommend it to the Board. Regarding the revision of forms, the A/R WG considered the revision of the following forms: proposed New A/R Methodology Expert Form “Second Review (version 03);” and proposed New A/R Methodology Expert Form “Lead Review (version 03);” and agreed to recommend the revised forms to the Board.

The CDM Small-Scale Working Group (SSC WG) held its 26th meeting from 15-18 June 2010, in Bonn, Germany, to consider baseline and monitoring methodologies for CDM small scale project activities. The SSC WG, inter alia, considered requests for revisions to, or clarifications of, approved SSC methodologies, as well as requests for the creation of new methodologies.

In response to requests for the creation of new methodologies, the SSC WG agreed: not to recommend the methodology NM049 for the capture of waste N2O from N2O facilities and its destruction via a catalytic destruction unit; to seek further clarifications regarding the methodologies NM050 for the use of less carbon intensive fossil fuels to offset electricity and/or thermal energy and NM052 for transport energy efficiency activities using idling stop device; that a number of issues need to be addressed by the project proponents regarding the methodology NM053 for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions based on whole-building simulation of buildings using eQUEST/DOE-2.2, before the methodology can be further evaluated; and to seek further inputs on the methodologies NM054 for freight mode switching from road to rail and NM055 for the introduction of Bio-CNG in road transportation. [Methodologies Panel Report] [A/R WG Report] [SSC WG Report]