22 October 2010: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released a report titled “Climate Risks and Adaptation in Asian Coastal Megacities,” which highlights the impact of climate change on Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Manila under a range of scenarios through 2050.

Asia’s coastal megacities are expected to flood more often, on a larger scale, and affect millions more people if current climate change trends continue. The report finds that costs from major flooding events on infrastructure and the economy could run into the billions of dollars, with urban poor populations likely to be the hardest hit. It concludes that all three cities need to take targeted, city-specific and cutting edge approaches to meet these challenges.

The report recommends sound urban environmental management to prevent flooding, including controlling groundwater pumping, dumping of solid waste into city canals and waterways, and deforestation in the upper watershed. Given the damage costs associated with climate change, the report also recommends that governments of coastal megacities undertake proactive measures to address climate risks as an integral part of urban planning. This includes: developing strategic urban adaptation frameworks for managing climate risks; strengthening institutional capacity for adaptation; and implementing measures such as land use planning and zoning to help reduce urban vulnerability.

The report is the product of a two-year collaborative study by the ADB, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the World Bank. [The Report]