9 November 2010: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) convened the Global Forum for Sport and Environment (G-ForSE), in Nairobi, Kenya, from 8-9 November 2010, to review the environmental impacts of sporting events.

Participants discussed the environmental impacts of the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the 2010 Youth Olympic Games. They also addressed the sustainability measures planned for future sports events including: the 2012 Olympic Games in London, UK; the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russian Federation; the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil; and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

G-ForSE highlighted new environmental measures being taken by sports organizations, including the international governing body for power boating (UIM). UIM unveiled initiatives to reduce emissions from the sport, including a clean fuel task force that is currently promoting the use of bio-ethanol. During the G-ForSE prize winners of the UNEP- Puma® Play for Life project, an initiative to raise awareness about conservation among sports fans, were announced. Three African-based conservation projects working with elephants, gorillas and lions shared a prize of US$800,000. [UNEP Press Release]