November 2010: The One UN Training Service Platform for Climate Change (UN CC:Learn), with the support of the Swiss Development Cooperation, will support three pilot projects on strengthening human resources, learning and skills development to address climate change in 2011-2012.

UN CC:Learn is a collaborative initiative of 23 UN agencies with the goal of supporting member States, UN agencies and other development parties in designing and delivering effective, results-oriented and sustainable climate change learning. These pilot projects aim to support partner countries to take a strategic, long-term and results-oriented approach to climate change learning. Their objectives include to: fostering a systematic and country-driven process to strengthen human resources, learning and skills development; determining specific actions to enhance climate change learning and strengthen learning institutions; ensuring that climate change learning is linked to and helps to achieve national climate change objectives; increasing mobilization of resources for training and skills development from national budgets and external partners; and creating a strengthened human resource base in the country to enhance implementation of the UNFCCC.

The projects are directly linked to the implementation of Article 6 of the UNFCCC and the individual level capacity pillar of the UNFCCC Capacity Development Framework. Notifications of interest by countries interested in becoming pilot countries should be sent to the CC:Learn Secretariat by 31 January 2011. [Announcement]