26 November 2010: The report of the 58th meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board, which was held from 22-26 November 2010, in Cancun, Mexico, is now available on the UNFCCC website.

The Board held the meeting to consider issues relating to the operation of the CDM, including those relating to: the accreditation of operational entities; methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans; CDM afforestation and reforestation (A/R) projects; small-scale projects; the CDM programme of activities; the registration of CDM project activities; issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) and the CDM registry; and the CDM management plan and resources for the work on the CDM.

Regarding the accreditation of operational entities, the Board agreed to re-accredit the entity Colombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification for the specified validation and verification/certification functions. It also considered a recommendation of the CDM Accreditation Panel relating to the entity Det Norske Veritas Certification AS, which was under spot-check and agreed to exclude sites in India and China from the scope of the spot-check, close the spot-check and confirm the entity’s accreditation and designation. On CDM A/R projects, the Board approved the methodology “Afforestation or reforestation of degraded or abandoned agricultural lands.” It also revised the approved methodology “Afforestation/Reforestation with Trees Supported by Shrubs on Degraded Land” by applying the “Tool for estimation of changes in soil organic carbon stocks due to the implementation of CDM A/R project activities” and streamlining it with other approved methodologies. [CDM EB58 Report]