9 December 2010: Speaking at the EuropaBio Event, held by the European Association for the Bioindustry in Brussels, Belgium, on 9 December 2010, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection John Dalli called for responsible biotechnological innovation, underpinned by resolute safety, with clear benefits for the consumer and full transparency.

Noting expected benefits of biotechnological innovations, such as in the areas of nanotechnology or genetically modified crops with improved nutritious value or drought tolerance, Dalli stressed the need for innovation with clear perceived benefits for the consumer and society. He encouraged industry to prioritize this type of innovation and to continue replacing first-generation genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with newer varieties that are more advanced and better accepted, such as varieties without antibiotic-resistant marker genes.

Regarding the supporting environment for innovation and safety, he underlined three areas for reflection: continued efforts by the industry underpinned by a predictable regulatory environment and legal certainty for operators; improving the credibility of the science for risk assessments for all biotechnologies; and enhancing transparency and dialogue with the public. He suggested that biotechnology companies improve transparency and access to their data in order to improve the image of biotechnology, including by providing easy access to GMO seed for researchers, so they can repeat any test required for risk assessment. [The Speech] [EuropaBio Press Release]