13 December 2010: The 46th Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC 46) and Associated Sessions of the Committees have opened in Yokohama, Japan.

The sessions are taking place from 13-18 December 2010. They opened with speeches by the Executive Director of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), the ITTC 46 Chair, and dignitaries from Japan, Cameroon, Congo and Gabon. Following the opening statements, the Council addressed organizational matters, including ascertainment of quorum, distribution of votes, and adoption of the meeting’s agenda, before discussing the Report of the Informal Advisory Group.

During the afternoon on 13 December, the Council resumed discussions on: the entry into force of ITTA, 2006; the ITTO Biennial Work Programme 2010-11 Progress Report; the Annual Review and Assessment of the International Tropical Timber Situation in 2010; the International Year of Forests; enhancing cooperation between ITTO and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); and extending the tenure of the Executive Director.

The four committees holding their sessions concurrently with the ITTC’s 46th Session are: Finance and Administration; Economic Information and Market Intelligence; Forest Industry; and Reforestation and Forest Management. [IISD RS Coverage]