31 January 2011: The proposed agenda, annotated agenda and draft work programme for the 59th meeting of the Executive Board (EB) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), scheduled to take place from 14-18 February 2011, in Bonn, Germany, are now available on the CDM website.

At the meeting, the Executive Board will consider matters relating to the operation of the CDM, including: the accreditation of operational entities; methodologies for baselines and monitoring plans; small-scale CDM project activities; the CDM programme of activities; the registration of CDM project activities; the issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) and the CDM registry; the CDM management plan and resources for the work on the CDM; and relations with Designated Operational and Applicant Entities, stakeholders, and intergovernmental and non-governmental entities. The various annexes to be considered by the Board at the meeting are also available on the website.

Representatives from parties and UNFCCC admitted observer organizations are able to attend CDM Executive Board meetings as observers. A live and on-demand Internet webcast of the proceedings will also be available. [CDM EB 59 Website]