7 February 2011: The third Multi-year meeting on investment for development, organized by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), was held from 2-4 February 2011, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

The meeting addressed the development implications of public investments in promoting pro-poor growth and sustainable development, boosting countries’ competitiveness, generating employment and reducing social and income disparities. Participants from government, transnational corporations, civil society and academia discussed how policies at the national, regional and international levels can enhance public-private partnerships in key industries for the purpose of, inter alia: promoting infrastructure development; mitigating climate change; and increasing agriculture production.

Focusing on case studies from industries in these areas, participants examined how public and private investments from domestic and foreign sources have evolved and what their impact has been on growth and development. They also discussed what would be the ideal mix of of public domestic and private domestic and foreign investment to maximize economic growth. [Meeting Agenda] [Audio Files of Presentations]