16 February 2011: The fourth meeting of the Issue Management Group (IMG) on Biodiversity convened in Geneva, Switzerland, on 16 February 2011, to discuss its approach to implementing decisions taken by the Environment Management Group (EMG) Senior Officials on biodiversity.

The Senior Officials decided, at their 16th meeting on 21 September 2010, to continue the work of the IMG on biodiversity for another two years to implement the biodiversity component of the EMG work plan for 2011-2012, with a view to: implementing the findings of the report “Advancing the Biodiversity Agenda: A UN System-wide Contribution” and the accompanying statement by Executive Heads of EMG members; and responding to any requests made to it from the UN General Assembly (UNGA) high-level event on biodiversity, the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the preparatory process for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio 2012). The meeting also requested the IMG to prepare a submission on the follow-up to the UNGA high-level event on biodiversity, COP 10 and any biodiversity aspects of the preparatory process for UNCSD.

Among other agenda items, and based on the information received that the UN Secretary-General will give consideration to adding an agenda point on biodiversity to the Chief Executives Board (CEB) spring session meeting in 2011, participants at the 16 February IMG meeting considered the EMG Secretariat’s proposal that the IMG recommend that the CEB endorse the statement by members of the EMG as the overall UN policy framework on biodiversity. [EMG webpage on IMG on Biodiversity]