April 2011: The World Bank held a high-level forum for policy debate on East Asia’s development challenges and opportunities, from 21-22 March 2011, in Singapore. The role and future of “green growth” for the region were among the topics and themes of the forum. During the meeting, the World Bank launched a special edition of its half-yearly report, the “East Asia and Pacific Economic Update.”

Opening the meeting, Andrew Steer, World Bank Special Envoy for Climate Change, emphasized the importance of the region’s efforts in the “battle for green growth.”

The report addresses a number of economic issues, and includes a section on energy security, environmental sustainability and climate change looking at energy efficiency, low-carbon cities and low-carbon technologies. The report also includes a country page on the challenge of climate change adaptation in Kiribati. Three thematic sessions address regional integration as an engine of development, skills and education, and the future of green growth. [Website of Conference] [Publication: World Bank: East Asia and Pacific Economic Update 2011: Securing the Present, Shaping the Future (Volume 1)]