12 April 2011: The Government of Germany, through the KfW Development Bank, is investing EUR5 million in a continuing partnership with the Caucasus Nature Fund and the Governments of Georgia and Armenia.

The funding is consistent with an invitation for support submitted by the Caucasus Nature Fund, with endorsement of the Governments of Armenia and Georgia, to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) LifeWeb Initiative for “Sustainable Financing and Improved Management Effectiveness for Protected Areas in the South Caucasus.”

The CBD LifeWeb Initiative is a partnership platform to strengthen financing for protected areas to conserve biodiversity, secure livelihoods and address climate change, through implementation of the programme of work on protected areas under the CBD.

The funding will support on-the-ground work in protected areas in Armenia and Georgia. The German funding may be open to Azerbaijan, as well, if the contractual arrangements can be finalized. [CBD Press Release]