29 April 2011: The US and Peru convened the third meeting of the Sub-Committee on Forest Sector Governance, the second meeting of the Environmental Affairs Council (EAC), and the first meeting of the Environmental Cooperation Commission (ECC) from 27-28 April 2011, in Washington, DC.

The Sub-Committee discussed progress in implementing the Annex on Forest Sector Governance of the Environment Chapter of the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA), focusing on Peru’s efforts to pass a new forestry and wildlife law, including its consultation process with local communities. The EAC reviewed progress achieved by the two parties in ensuring effective implementation of, and compliance with, the obligations under the Environment Chapter of the PTPA. The ECC: discussed implementation of cooperative activities under the 2009-2010 work programme for the Environmental Cooperation Agreement; approved a new work programme for 2011-2014; and agreed to work on a mechanism for measuring performance.

The two parties also held a public session, providing interested stakeholders with the opportunity to raise issues and questions about their implementation efforts. [US State Department Media Note] [US State Department Notice to the Press]