19 April 2011: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministers of Finance (MOF) and Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) of Samoa have signed a joint Project on the “Integration of Climate Change Risks and Resilience into Forestry Management in Samoa (ICCRIFS).”

The US$4.9 million project will facilitate access to climate change financing and move towards implementation of the priorities under the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA). The ICCRIFS project aims to increase the climate resilience and adaptive capacity of the communities that depend on forestry resources for their livelihoods through targeted interventions in lowland agroforestry and upland native forestry areas. The project also aims to integrate climate change risks into forestry policy frameworks by revising current frameworks and developing information and early warning systems.

The project is expected to increase efforts against climate change by reducing the vulnerability of terrestrial ecosystems and forests in Samoa, and building strong linkages with other ongoing initiatives. It will support local communities in adopting new agroforestry techniques to improve use and management of ecosystem services such as timber production, water management, energy production and protection from natural disasters. [UNDP Samoa Press Release]