11 May 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the reports of the individual review of the annual submissions of Romania (FCCC/ARR/2010/ROU) and Greece (FCCC/ARR/2010/GRC), submitted in 2010.

Regarding Romania, the Expert Review Team (ERT) finds that the inventory covers almost all major source and sink categories for the period 1989-2008 and is complete in terms of years and geographical coverage, however a substantial number of subcategories are still reported as not estimated (NE). The ERT strongly recommends that Romania provide in its next annual submission estimates for all categories that are still reported as NE and for which there are methodologies available in the Revised 1996 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines or the IPCC good practice guidance.

Regarding Greece, the ERT finds the inventory covers most source and sink categories for the period 1990-2008 and is complete in terms of years and geographical coverage. Greece did not provide estimates for a range of mandatory and non-mandatory land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) categories and pools, of potential emissions of fluorinated gases (F-gases), and for other categories for which there are no methodologies available in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC good practice guidance. The ERT encourages Greece to report, in its next annual submission, estimates for categories not yet addressed, in order to further improve the completeness and accuracy of its inventory. [Publication: Report of the Individual Review of the Annual Submission of Romania] [Publication: Report of the Individual Review of the Annual Submission of Greece]