14 May 2011: The 19th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 19) convened from 2-14 May 2011, at UN Headquarters in New York. The session focused on developing policy recommendations related to transport, chemicals, hazardous waste, mining and the 10-year framework of programmes (10YFP) on sustainable consumption and production (SCP), and links to SIDS were raised throughout the two-week session.

Negotiations extended into the early morning of Saturday, 14 May, but no consensus was reached on the Chair’s proposed package text. Delegates also discussed, but did not agree on, convening a resumed session in June. As a result, CSD 19 adjourned without adopting policy recommendations on its thematic cluster.

During the 13 May Ministerial dialogue on “moving towards sustainable development: expectations from Rio+20,” the representative of Grenada, on behalf of the small island developing States (SIDS), said action on climate change must come together with changes in consumption and production and improvements in poverty eradication, in order to make a green economy possible.

On one of the themes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) – the institutional framework for sustainable development – SIDS called for institutional arrangements that are more inclusive and supportive of the needs of islands in global arrangements, and the integration of all UN institutional mechanisms dealing with islands. On the UNCSD’s other theme, green economy, she suggested that the Conference consider the notion of the “blue-green” economy. She noted that SIDS’ shared social values are the foundation for their new reality and will allow the international community to realize sustainable development goals. Finally, she called for adequate funding for SIDS’ participation in the UNCSD preparations and Conference itself, and to avoid scheduling events at the same time, which causes small delegations to be left out. [UN Summary of Ministerial Dialogue] [IISD RS Earth Negotiations Bulletin Meeting Coverage and Analysis] [Publication: Report on the 19th Session]