27 May 2011: The Group of 8 (G8) and Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and the African Union (AU) Commission have adopted a joint declaration on “Shared Values, Shared Responsibilities,” addressing sustainable development, energy access, investment and agriculture.

The leaders met in Deauville, France, from 26-27 May 2011, where they highlighted the importance of an enhanced partnership between the G8 and Africa. In the resulting joint declaration, the G8 and Africa: express determination to further promote together shared values, notably peace and human rights, democratic governance and sustainable development; and endorse their respective and shared responsibilities in this regard, in a spirit of mutual accountability.

In the section on Economic Development and Environment, the G8 and Africa express concern at limited access to energy, particularly electricity and cooking fuels, as a key bottleneck for economic development and poverty reduction in Africa, emphasizing the need to ensure access to sustainable energy services, with a particular focus on renewable energy sources. The G8 express willingness to continue to support projects for access to energy, both decentralized and centralized, especially those with a regional dimension and a sustainable development perspective, as well as cross-border trade and capacity-building initiatives on energy. Leaders note that the Action Plan of the AU and New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) constitute appropriate frameworks to mobilize foreign direct investment, and they stress the need for institutional and regulatory reforms to attract increased investment, particularly from the private sector.

Noting that agriculture in Africa can serve as an important driver of broad-based sustainable economic growth and development, and that sustainable increases in agricultural productivity and production offer ample opportunities to attract private-sector investment and leverage private sources of capital, create jobs, raise income of farmers and stimulate inclusive growth in rural Africa, the leaders commit to improving food security in Africa by enhancing cooperation among the G8 and Africa through the L’Aquila Food Security Initiative and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme. [Joint Declaration]