31 May 2011: The Programme Document for the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Collaborative Initiative for Tropical Forest Biodiversity is now available on the ITTO website. The document provides guidance for possible activities under the Initiative and ITTO members are invited to consider and approve the document, and convey their response to the ITTO Secretariat by 31 August 2011.

The aim of the CBD/ITTO Initiative is to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical forests. The Programme Document is the basis for concrete project activities under the Initiative. Its specific objective is to support developing countries that are both parties to the CBD and members of ITTO for the implementation of country-specific projects that contribute to the achievement of the goals of the CBD and the ITTO in their work on forest biodiversity, including on linkages between forest biodiversity and climate change, among other areas. The Programme Documents sets out the Initiative’s objectives, expected outputs, key activities, implementation strategy, procedures, assumptions and risks, beneficiaries, and work plan and budget.

As set out in the document, the key activities under the Initiative will include the implementation of specific-country and regional projects and activities related to capacity building, technical support and guidance for: biodiversity conservation in tropical timber production forests; restoration, management and rehabilitation of degraded and secondary tropical forests; transboundary conservation of tropical forest resources; buffer zone participatory management in protected areas; safeguarding biodiversity in forestry projects, including in climate mitigation projects; and participatory management of forests for biodiversity conservation to improve local livelihoods. The four key outputs of the Initiative are: enhanced local capacity for biodiversity conservation in production forests and for the rehabilitation of degraded and secondary forests; improved conservation and management of protected areas, especially in association with buffering protected areas, and transboundary conservation; safeguarding tropical forest biodiversity in forestry interventions; and improved welfare of local communities and indigenous groups through biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. [Publication: Programme Document on ITTO/CBD Collaborative Initiative for Tropical Forest Biodiversity]