27 May 2011: The 14th session of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) convened from 23-27 May 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland. The session included two ministerial roundtables on: review of progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), during which participants discussed a report on experience in implementing WSIS outcomes to date and prospects for the future; and on harnessing science and technology to address development challenges.

Delegates also heard reports on science technology and innovation policy reviews and discussed technologies to address challenges in areas such as agriculture and water.

The Commission adopted resolutions on: assessment of the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of WSIS; participation of non-governmental organizations, civil society, academia and technical entities, business and the private sector in the work of the Commission; a study for working modalities for the participation of non-state actors; the Commission’s gender advisory board; and on science and technology for development [UNCTAD Meeting Website]