7 June 2011: The UN Global Compact has released the latest issue of its Implementation Survey on corporate sustainability performance, as well as its 2010 Annual Review, which is based on the Survey. Due to their greater financial and human resources, the Survey indicates that larger companies are performing better on Global Compact issue areas than small and medium-size enterprises.

Launched at UN Headquarters in New York, US, on 7 June 2011, the survey also notes the importance of sustainability practices throughout companies’ supply chains, in order to bring corporate responsibility to “true scale.” Of the 1,251 companies from 103 countries that completed the survey, 12 percent required their suppliers to be Global Compact participants, and 79 percent said they had spread their commitment to Global Compact principles to their subsidiaries.

In addition to the findings from the 2010 Global Compact Implementation Survey, the Annual Review also provides detailed updates on the Global Compact’s growth, strategic and operational priorities, governance and finances. [UN Global Compact News] [UN Global Compact 2010 Annual Review]