3 June 2011: The Government of Japan hosted a meeting on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Follow-up, to build upon the outcome of the UN high-level plenary meeting on the MDGs held in September 2010, and propose effective approaches to accelerate MDG progress. The meeting also discussed cross-cutting issues critical for the acceleration of MDGs, including climate change, food security and human security.

The meeting was held in Tokyo, Japan, from 2-3 June 2011, and co-organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank. Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan opened the meeting, which brought together representatives of over 110 countries, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector.

The outcome of the meeting, a final statement by Takeaki Matsumoto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and Chair of the meeting, indicates that participants identified two approaches for the achievement of the MDGs, namely one based on equity, and the other which consists in accelerating progress on off-track MDGs. These approaches recognize that progress for MDG achievement has been slowed by inequalities and disparities, and recognize the need to identify and prioritize high-impact interventions.

According to the Chair’s statement, participants acknowledged the centrality of the MDGs to the UN’s mission to advance development, peace and human rights, and the impact of cross-cutting issues, including climate change, food security and human security. Participants also emphasized cost-effective and cross-sectoral interventions on nutrition, health, education, biodiversity, and access to water and sanitation.

On climate change, participants noted the “complex interconnection between adverse effects of climate change and other global challenges,” as well as the need to: comprehensively tackle the issue of climate change as well as development; promote cooperation for sustainable and low-carbon growth; and “comprehensively tackle the issue of climate change in the process of achieving the MDGs successfully, especially MDG 7, on environmental sustainability.”

They expressed their intention to intensify cooperation towards the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), adapting their economies and societies to climate change, and achieving deep cuts in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Participants also called for the implementation of the Fast-Start Financing on climate change and highlighted the programme on Low-Carbon Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy in Africa. [Chair’s Statement of MDG Follow-up Meeting] [Message from UN Secretary-General] [Opening Remarks by UNDP Administrator] [Speech by UNICEF Executive Director]